
昨天在Sciences Po. fb的社團裡看到大家對 carte de séjour(居留證)的一番討論,害我真是緊張了一下。 
還有人提到那份資料從申請到下來的這段過渡期,都不能出申根cover的歐洲了T_T   In other words, 不能去英國!!

後來証實是虛驚一場:P ,這部分的規定主要是跟著大家拿的護照國籍  

經過一番查證,carte de séjour 就是要把之前申請簽證時填寫的OFII 給法國在台協會蓋過章以後,帶到法國跑程序,才算正式取得長期的居留身分

好擔心到時候會忘記 :目    在這邊備忘一下!



自即日起,以下類型簽證,將由法國在台協會直接核發,充當正式居留憑證 (VLS-TS )。

1. 法國人的外籍配偶,赴法定居 ( 通常一年效期)

2. 學生 ( 就學 期限 91 天 到 12 個 月 )

3. 受僱者 和 臨時合約性質工作者 ( 合約效期91 天 到 12 個 月 )

4. 外籍探親訪問者( 申請停留91 天 到 12 個 月 )


VLS-TS 簽證, 將享有以下權利 :

在申根境内,DOM 法國海外省區,以及 St Pierre et Miquelon 自由進出,( 並不包括法國管轄之其它屬地 )

不需再辦 “居留證”, 簽證有效期限之内, 均准予居留



簽證流程規章並無重大改變, 唯所有申請者,尚需多填寫一份新表格 :

OFII 表格 


OFII 成爲外國人抵達法國後的註冊登記機構。

VLS-TS持有者,務必謹慎保管OFII的相關資料,在法國境内若遇檢查, 以此作為合法居留的證明文件。 

VLS-TS持有者,在抵達法國後三個月之内,需將法國在台協會蓋章生效的OFII 表格以《掛號-收執回函》的方式,寄到居住所在地的OFII。

OFII收件審查之後,會以書面通知,請申請者本人親自到機構報到,以便登錄聯絡方式, 並繳交必要的居留許可稅金, 若有需要, 亦將要求健康檢查。




再來分享一下fb社團裡一位來自南非的陽光女孩之OFII簽核歷險記 XDD


Hey! I just did that and it was super easy! I went there about 2 weeks ago. 
Only had to give a copy of my passport and the visa page, and the form the embassy gave me filled in. 

AFter that they set up a date 2 weeks from when I went (apparently they need to process that and it takes all that time) and I went yesterday. I had an appointment for 8:30 and only waited for a little bit. Did an x-ray, saw the doctor that asked a few questions and after that gave them the remaining documents: proof of residence, passport sized photos, stamps on the value of 58 Euros (that you can buy at any tabac shop or banque "La poste"). Then they just stuck a piece of paper on my passport which is my Carte de sejour. So as long as you have all those papers you shoudn't have any issues with it. :)

I went straight to the OFII. It's at 48 Rue de la Roquette, very easy to find. You just need to get off at "bastille" metro station, and Rue de la roquette is right there. They open at 8:30. :) 


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